
New Call for application of Taiwan Chair at Ghent University and Gronigen University
APPLY NOW - New Call for application in the framework of the "Taiwan Studies Programme"-agreement between Ghent University, Groningen University, Universität Göttingen and the Dept. of International and Cross-Strait Education, MoE, Taiwan

For this Second Call 2019, the duration (a period of 4 months) of the professorial fellowship should be exercised in Ghent University (Belgium) during the second semester of the academic year 2019-2020 (4th year of the programme). It will start in February 2020.

• PhD in Social Sciences, Political Sciences, History or Economics (preferably with knowledge of politics, international relations, law or economics of EU-East Asia relations)
• Expertise with research on Taiwanese and East Asian studies
• Expertise with education on Taiwanese and East Asian studies
• Good command of English (spoken and written)
• Ability to teach on EU-East Asia relations at MA level; involvement in the MA course EU-East Asia relations; there is some flexibility in how this course is implemented, this can be discussed taking into account the expertise of the candidate
• Ability to organize research seminars for PhD students in areas such as EU external relations, international relations, Taiwanese/ East Asian studies Candidates for the Professorial Fellowship shall be selected from any university or institution of higher learning in the Republic of China (Taiwan). The Professorial Fellow selected shall preferably be an/a (associate) professor on sabbatical leave from the Republic of China (Taiwan), and shall have minimal qualifications as a Ph.D. holder.

Deadline for applications: Monday, 14 October 2019- 12.00 am local Belgian time

Please send your application to the following address: inge.mangelschots@ugent.be

The selection result will be announced by the end of October 2019.
2019 歐洲教育展 展務助理大募集








【展期工作】1.攤位助理: 展前佈置、展後撤場整理、協助學校代表、翻譯、登記來訪學生資料等。2.展區助理: 展前佈置、展後撤場整理、開幕式來賓接待、入口招待、指引、講座協助、活動拍攝、展場管理等。

錄取名單 : 正備取名單預計於9月30日(一)23:59前於官網最新資訊公告 ,並寄發 email 通知錄取者。

疑問洽詢→02-27409510 或 email至 contact@eef-taiwan.org.tw
本次2019年會摘要截稿期限原為 2019年5月30日(四),因學會收到投稿人反映希望能夠延長徵稿期限,也為方便與會者作業,經學會開會討論後決定將截稿期限延長至6/17(一),竭誠歡迎學界朋友把握機會,投稿參與本次年度學術盛會,也煩請幫忙轉載本訊息。

中華民國國際關係學會 2019 年會暨「現實主義、民粹主義與科技發展對國際秩序的影響」國際學術研討會

2019 Association of International Relations (R.O.C.) Annual Meeting and Conference on “The Impact of Realism, Populism and Technology on the International Order”


1.國際關係理論議題 (國關理論的最新發展、傳統國際思維的檢視與創新、歷史與國際關係等)
2.國際政治經濟議題 (區域經貿整合、國際貿易衝突、國際金融治理、一帶一路之發展與影響等)
3.全球化與民粹主義議題 (全球化與反全球化、英國脫歐等)
4.國際戰略安全議題 (主要國家的外交安全戰略、朝鮮半島、南海爭端、中東問題、區域戰略形勢等)
5.傳統與非傳統安全議題 (人權與國際規範、移民與難民、種族政治衝突、能源政治、極端組織與恐怖主義威脅、海洋與環境安全等)
6.美中台關係議題 (川普外交政策與印太戰略對於區域的影響、美中關係、大陸對臺政策、我國外交政策與兩岸政策等)
7.區域議題 (歐洲、東北亞、東南亞、中亞、南亞、南北美洲、非洲等區域議題)

二、會議時間:2019 年 11 月 30 日(六)
3、 時程規劃:
論文摘要截稿:2019 年 5 月 30 日(四)
摘要審查公告:2019 年 6 月 29 日(六)
全文截稿期限:2019 年 10月30 日(三)
參、 投稿須知
1、 有意發表論文者請於 2019 年 5 月 30 日前填具「作者基本資料暨論文摘要
表格」,並以電子郵件將相關資料傳送至國際關係學會年會專用信箱associationofir.roc@gmail.com。另請於電子郵件主旨欄填上「投稿 2019
國際關係學會年會─(作者姓名)」,以利甄選作業之進行。本會預計於2019 年 6 月 29 日確定入選論文,並通知投稿者。
2、 論文全文以不超過 20,000 字為原則,論文體例請依學術格式撰寫。
全文截稿日期為 2019 年 10 月 30 日(三),為使評論人有充裕時間閱讀論
臺灣歐洲教育推廣協會歐洲留學獎學金,獲獎生每名獎助新臺幣十萬元,歡迎踴躍申請(申請日期: 2019年6月1日至7月15日)
臺灣歐洲教育推廣協會 歐洲留學獎學金











申請日期: 2019年6月1日至7月15日
錄取通知: 2019年8月


截止日前以電子郵件寄送至協會電子信箱 contact@eef-taiwan.org.tw 申請
[徵稿啟事] 2019年7月6-7日亞太歐盟研究協會年會(1月31日大綱收件截止)
2019 EUSAAP Conference Call for Papers
The 2019 EUSA AP Annual Conference and Postgraduate Student workshop will be held in Shanghai on Saturday and Sunday, 6 + 7 July 2019. The conference will be held at the Fudan University in Shanghai. We are pleased to now publish the Call for Papers and preliminary information below:

New Leadership, New Priorities - The EU in 2019

2019 will be a watershed year for EU institution building. First, the year marks the 40th anniversary of direct elections to the European Parliament and the conference calls for papers that offer a comparative longitudinal perspective. Second, the 2019 elections will be the first to be held after BREXIT and the consequences for the EU will warrant ananlysis. Third, the selection of the new Commission as well as the Commission and Council Presidents and the High Representative will also occur in 2019. The conference will examine this institutional renewal as well as reflect on the performance of these actors in the 2015-2019 period. While this is the main theme of the conference, papers that address other issues of European Integration are also welcomed.

EUSAAP offers a high-quality, international academic conference that analyses European Integration from both, a European and Asia Pacific perspective, as well as multidisciplinary one. We especially welcome early career researchers, those new to the field and practitioners to participate.

Parallel to the conference a one-day postgraduate workshop will be organised for Masters and PhD students to present their current research, receive valuable feedback, enhance their writing and presentation skills and develop a network among peers and well-established researchers in the field. More information on the Postgraduate Workshop can be found below.

Postgraduate Workshop
Participation is open to postgraduate students studying towards a PhD or Masters degree in the field of European & European Union Studies. The workshop will be held during one of the conference days. The workshop is limited to 20 participants

Practical Information and Timeline
Please register via the online link below before the abstract submission deadline: Collect the necessary information and then complete the online form including the payment of the registration fees (EUR 50). Please note that partially completed forms cannot be saved. At this stage only an abstract (max. 300 words) and a short bio (max. 100 words) are required. A full paper must be submitted before the conference (see deadline below). Participants will recieve access to all full lpapers for the conference online.

- Submission deadline for abstracts: 31 January 2019
- Participants will be informed of paper proposal acceptance/decline: 31 March 2019
- Participants have to confirm attendance: 10 days after information of acceptance was sent out
- Full paper submission: 31 May 2019
- As organisers have to commit to suppliers and only a limited number of presenters can be invited, EUSAAP will charge 3 nights accommodation costs to presenters that withdraw after 31 May 2019.

Only papers presented in person will be accepted. No virtual presentations will be permitted.

Registration Fees
A modest registration fee of EUR 50 will be charged for paper presenters and postgraduate students participating in the event. Registration for conference guests will be EUR30. Registraton fees are charged via PayPal at first registration.

Conference guests - Interested parties are welcome to attend the conference as guests (not presenting a paper). Registration and payment of guest fee (EUR 30) as conference guest are required. Please use the following form to register and pay your fees: Conference Guest Registration

Registration fees are non-refundable.

Logistical information
The conference will be held at Fudan University, Shanghai. More information on hotels and transport will be provided here in May.

A limited number of hotel rooms will be funded by the organisers for up to three nights accommodation in the designated hotels for paper presenters and workshop participants not living in Shanghai. To be eligible for the accommodation participants must have submitted the full paper and attend the entire conference. Participants not meeting these requirements will automatically be charged following the conference. Rooms will be booked for arrival on Friday, 05 July and departure on Monday, 08 July 2019. Please note that only these nights can be covered. It is not possible to pay for any other nights. We are happy to book additional nights for you (arriving earlier/departing later). If you wish to extend your stay you must inform us along with confirmation of your acceptance.

For papers co-authored and/or several presenters attending the conference, only one set of costs will be covered. For example, if the presentation is shared between two authors we will only cover the costs (e.g. hotel) of one person. The second presenter should register a Conference Guest and indicate the paper he/she will co-present.
2018年12月12日至12月14日【2018 台師大歐文週|歐情文藝・凝視羅瓦】,歡迎踴躍參加!
【2018 台師大歐文週|歐情文藝・凝視羅瓦】


師大歐文所將在12/12-12/14 舉辦一系列免費講座,邀請各位來聽我們分享在法國昂傑的收穫,深度羅瓦文化!

活動日期:12/12 (三) 至12/14(五)

活動地點:國立臺灣師範大學 校本部圖書館校區 博愛樓五樓演講廳 (臺北市大安區和平東路一段129號)



陳信愫《浪漫撫媚的戀曲: 雪儂梭堡》





1. 每日講座結束前 30 分鐘為 Q&A 時間,另舉辦有獎徵答活動,備有歐洲精緻伴手禮~
2. 若報名表單送出後需要修正or報名後兩天內沒收到報名成功通知,請速速私訊粉專!小編將儘速為您處理!
3. 主辦單位保留修改及變更活動內容細節之權利。