2024年9月14日(六)下午2時中心與台北市立圖書館共同舉辦 「歐盟Erasmus+計畫暨歐盟獎學金兩年三國校友留學生活分享」講座,歡迎報名參加!
英國在台辦事處 政治處主任
安全、情報和戰略研究國際碩士學程(The International Master in Security, Intelligence and Strategic Studies (IMSISS))
2024年10月19 至20日《2024歐洲教育展》即日起開放報名2024-08-16
The European Parliament and Global Health
Polymorphic Actorness and Multiple Roles By Vincent Rollet Description This book examines the actorness of the European Parliament (EP) and its roles in global health. In doing so, it appreciates to what extent this democratically elected entity can be considered as a global health actor. Applying an original analytical framework to measure actorness, the book assesses the EP’s capacity to act regarding five major global health issues including the pandemic response, access to essential medicines in developing countries, international trade and global health, medical research and development in the field of poverty-related and neglected diseases (PRNDs), and global health governance. It demonstrates that, despite many challenges, the EP has indeed displayed a polymorphic actorness and multiple roles towards most of these global health issues, especially by succeeding in mobilizing its main competences and instruments to deal with them, finalizing initiatives, and having a substantive influence on the way they were addressed. As such, the book reveals the salience of democratically elected institutions for global health governance. This book will be of key interest to students and scholars of European studies, global and regional health, legislative studies, and International Relations, but also to parliamentarians and (non-) governmental actors engaged in global health. Table of Contents Introduction: The European Parliament: A global health actor? 1. Assessing the EP’s actorness in global health 2. The EP and Ebola epidemics in Africa 3. The EP and access to essential medicines 4. The EP and the health implications of the EU-India FTA 5. The EP and R&D on poverty-related neglected diseases 6. The EP and Taiwan's participation in the WHA/WHO Conclusion - The EP and global health: Polymorphic actorness and multiple roles Author(s) Biography Vincent Rollet is Associate Professor at the Graduate Institute of European Studies (GIES), Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Polymorphic Actorness and Multiple Roles By Vincent Rollet Description This book examines the actorness of the European Parliament (EP) and its roles in global health. In doing so, it appreciates to what extent this democratically elected entity can be considered as a global health actor. Applying an original analytical framework to measure actorness, the book assesses the EP’s capacity to act regarding five major global health issues including the pandemic response, access to essential medicines in developing countries, international trade and global health, medical research and development in the field of poverty-related and neglected diseases (PRNDs), and global health governance. It demonstrates that, despite many challenges, the EP has indeed displayed a polymorphic actorness and multiple roles towards most of these global health issues, especially by succeeding in mobilizing its main competences and instruments to deal with them, finalizing initiatives, and having a substantive influence on the way they were addressed. As such, the book reveals the salience of democratically elected institutions for global health governance. This book will be of key interest to students and scholars of European studies, global and regional health, legislative studies, and International Relations, but also to parliamentarians and (non-) governmental actors engaged in global health. Table of Contents Introduction: The European Parliament: A global health actor? 1. Assessing the EP’s actorness in global health 2. The EP and Ebola epidemics in Africa 3. The EP and access to essential medicines 4. The EP and the health implications of the EU-India FTA 5. The EP and R&D on poverty-related neglected diseases 6. The EP and Taiwan's participation in the WHA/WHO Conclusion - The EP and global health: Polymorphic actorness and multiple roles Author(s) Biography Vincent Rollet is Associate Professor at the Graduate Institute of European Studies (GIES), Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
活動首先由法國在台協會學術合作與文化處處長雷詩雅(Cécile Renault)女士致詞;雷詩雅女士分享了她對文化外交的看法,並介紹了Villa Formose等法國在台協會為促進台法文化合作交流而在近期推出的計畫。緊接著,德國哥德學院(臺北)德國文化中心副院長郭洛祈(Timo Kozlowski)也進行了致詞;他指出,本日探討的文化交流開啟了歷史上的一個重要時代,而在當今時空背景下,面對許多全球性的機會與挑戰,知識共享與文化交流的價值更顯重要。
隨後,論壇召集人,本校外文系借調台北醫學大學的張淑英教授指出,此次論壇之目的在於推廣日漸重要的多元共融(Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, DEI)價值,鼓勵教員與學生們拓展視野、學習不同語言文化。臺灣歐盟中心的鄭嘉慶執行長隨後也提到,全台最大的歐洲社群是在文化領域,舉辦這方面的論壇也因此別具意義,而今年已是該論壇開辦十週年,單是本日場次的籌備就耗時近兩年,非常感謝張教授與毛教授為此所做的付出。
陳東和首先介紹了金星玻璃(aventurine glass)的歷史。十七世紀,其偶然誕生於威尼斯慕拉諾(Murano),主要特徵是在不透明的紅棕色玻璃中散佈著無數金黃色澤的金屬顆粒,生產過程中所須掌握的變數甚多,不易成功,故而極其珍貴,在十八至十九世紀廣受歐洲宮廷與上流社會喜愛。另一方面,清康熙三十五年(1696),中國也在紀里安神父(Kilian Stumpf, 1655-1720)的主持之下開始試驗製造此種玻璃,並於乾隆六年(1741)燒製成功,後以與歐洲金星玻璃不同的藝術樣貌流行於清宮。
毛傳慧隨後介紹了「中國風」與近代法國蠶桑絲業的發展。「中國風」(la chinoiserie)一詞於1836年才首次出現於巴爾扎克(Honoré de Balzac)的小說,但其出現並非偶然——隨者大航海時期的開啟,傳教士們有關中國的報導和海洋貿易引進的商品掀起了對中國裝飾風格的熱愛,而相對於建築和繪畫,「中國風」在絲織品上持續的時間更久。十七世紀末,路易十四仿效清廷由三織造提供絲織品的作法,向里昂訂購王室所需絲織品,並推動織品服飾的流行,使其蠶桑絲織業逐漸邁向巔峰;十八世紀下半葉開始,更大量參考中國蠶桑文獻進行實驗與式樣,終於在十九世紀上半葉發展出超越義大利蠶桑業的「法國蠶桑學派」。
張澔則介紹了清末西方化學知識向東方的傳播、以及德國化學家當時所佔有的地位。他指出,由北京同文館的法國教習畢利幹 (Anatole Billequin)傅蘭雅 (John Fryer)和徐壽等人以富里西尼烏司(Karl Remigius Fresenius)的著作為底本所翻譯的《化學闡原》、《化學考質》及《化學求數》等三本著作,使清末西方化學知識的引進達到最高峰;而富里西尼烏司師從李比希(Justus von Liebig),德國在十九世紀上半葉成為全球化學領域的領先力量,很大程度上歸功於後者的貢獻,他除了在相關領域有開創性的研究外,也在任教於吉森大學(Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)期間創立化學教學實驗室,成為世界效仿的典範。
歐盟「新伊拉斯莫斯計畫」國家據點在臺落腳 臺灣歐盟中心為臺歐高教重要據點歐洲經貿辦事處
臺灣歐洲聯盟研究叢書之十五:百年變局裡的歐盟──疫情治理與經濟外交丁純、羅天宇、洪德欽、陳蔚芳、羅至美、楊娜、楊三億 、鄭春榮、林子立、劉書彬、李貴英、葉斌、胡子南、忻華、楊成玉、趙懷普、卓忠宏、朱景鵬、金玲、賴昀辰 著四大危機重挫歐盟統合,而2019年爆發的新冠肺炎疫情危機更對歐盟形成了更嚴竣的治理困境。歐盟雖在近十年當中經歷歐洲憲法危機、金融危機、移(難)民危機和英國脫歐危機等,惟正如歐洲統合之父莫內所說的名言:「歐洲形成於危機之中,它將是應付這些危機所採取解決方案的總和。」從歐盟應對危機的歷史進程而言,歐盟以其韌性逐一漸進克服。
蘇宏達 叢書主編
蘇宏達 本書主編To avoid a repeat of those nationalist nightmares, a common European Dream emerged after WWII, which has since developed into some essential doctrines of European integration. This dream-inspired institutionalist context has framed intergovernmental bargaining, sectoral spillovers and transnational cooperation in European integration. The powerful European Dream has even encouraged Europeans toward closer integration, though they were, quite often, very reluctant to go further. This dream-driven approach and reluctant runner’s model have highlighted some fundamental realities of European integration, extremely inspiring for the future of the EU and the ongoing Asian regionalism.
This book consists of three parts and thirteen chapters. It aims to explain European integration, the EU’s role in global governance and the EU’s impact upon Asian regionalism with the help of the European Dream approach and reluctant runners’ model. Trump’s unilateralism, the rising tensions between the US and PRC and the COVID-19 pandemic may be a turning point for world politics. Both globalization and global governance have consequently slowed down, giving place to regionalism and inter-regionalism. This book hopes to contribute to the rising debate over European integration, Asian regionalism and EU-Asian inter-regionalism.