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Welcome to registrar the lecture of “Divided World: The Rise of Global Regionalization in the 21st Century” held on 17 November 2023 !
Fourteen top Taiwanese scholars join forces to analyze the new geopolitical and international political landscape of the 21st century, offering fresh perspectives to Taiwan and guiding it out of its current predicament! With escalating tensions between the US and China, the COVID-19 pandemic, and conflicts erupting worldwide... are we heading towards a divided world? Globalization seems to be a thing of the past, while regionalization is rapidly on the rise. In this era of profound change, understanding the global situation is more urgent than ever. This seminar, led by Su Hongda (editor-in-chief/author of this book, Dean of the College of Social Sciences at National Taiwan University), will delve into the contents of the new book, with contributions from a group of authors. We've also invited Guo Chong-lun (Deputy Editor-in-Chief of United Daily News) and Chang Teng-chi (Professor and Director of the Department of Political Science at National Taiwan University) to discuss today's international situation and geopolitical landscape. [Information about the lecture] Time: 13:30 -16:00, 17 November 2023 (Fri.) Location: NTU College of Social Sciences Building Conference Room 419 (4F) Moderator: Hung-dah Su (dean of the College of Social Sciences, NTU) Panelists: Chung-Lun Kuo (Deputy Editor-in-Chief, United Daily News), Teng-chi Chang (Professor and Director of the Department of Political Science at National Taiwan University )   * There is no cost to attend this event, and there will be no live streaming or video recording. Readers are welcome to join us on the scene. * In the event of suspension or postponement due to weather conditions or other factors, please refer to the on-site announcement for updates.   Getting here- By car/motorbike/bicycle: The NTU College of Social Sciences Building is near the crossroads of Sec. 2, Xinhai Rd and Sec. 2, Fuxing S. Rd. We recommend that you enter NTU through the gate on Xinhai Rd. Then, the first building on your right would be the College of Social Sciences. You may use the Xinhai Underground Parking of NTU on B1 of the College of Social Sciences Building. Please turn right after entering the gate on Xinhai Rd. For cars, it adopts an hourly rate of 40 NTD; for motorbikes, it adopts a flat rate of 20 NTD. Other parking lots in NTU adopt an hourly rate of 60 NTD. By metro: the closest metro station to the College of Social Sciences Building is the Technology Building Station (Brown Line). After exiting the station, please turn left and go straight along Sec. 2, Fuxing S. Rd. (for about 600m) to the crossroad of it and Xinhai Rd., and then enter NTU through the gate on Xinhai Rd. The College of Social Sciences would be the first building on your right.
8 December 2023 EUTW Forum VI - "The European Integration in Times of Crisis." Registration now open!
2023 EUTW FORUM VI    Time: 8 December, 2023 (Friday) 9:40 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Venue: Conference Room 301, National Central Library (3F, No. 20, Zhongshan S. Road, Taipei) Host: EU Centre in Taiwan; EU Centre of Excellence, NTU; EU Research Centre, NCCU; National Central Library Co-host: Institute of Diplomacy and International Affairs, MOFA, R.O.C (TAIWAN); European Community Studies Association Taiwan; Programme in European Union Studies at the College of International Affairs, NCCU Agenda 09:40-10:00 (20 minutes) Registration 10:00-12:00 (120 minutes) 2023 EUTW FORUM VI: The European Integration in Times of Crisis Moderator Tailin Chang (Adjunct professor, Department of Public Affairs, HFU;  Forum Convener) Panelists Chung-Hung Cho (Professor, Graduate School in European Studies, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Studies, , Tamkang University) Hong-Yi Lien (Dean of College of International Affairs, National Chengchi University) San-Yi Yang (Professor, Graduate Institute of International Politics, National Chung-Hsin University) Ming Chung Chang (Former Representative to France and Ambassador in Institute of Diplomacy and International Affairs, MOFA) Tzuli Lin (Associate Professor, Department of Political Science at Tunghai University) Mengjen Chang (Associate Professor / Department Chairperson, Department of Italian Language and Culture, Fu Jen Catholic University) Discussant: Ling-Long Shen (Vice Chairman Appacus Financial Foundation)
Come and Join us for the 2023 Taiwan-EU Environment and Technology Forum on 13 October, 2023, focusing on Taiwan Renewable Market and Corporate ESG Transition: Risks & Challenges !
This forum, hosted by Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF), the European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan - Low Carbon Initiative (LCI), and the European Union Center in Taiwan (EUTW), will take place on 13 October, 2023. As global corporations commit to net-zero emissions, energy transition policies worldwide are creating both opportunities and risks. In 2022, global energy transition investment reached $1.1 trillion, a 31% increase. In Taiwan, the development and procurement of green energy (CPPA) have become a focal point. The 2022 RE100-LCI report highlights that, due to Taiwan's 2021 policy requiring major electricity consumers (around 300 companies with a contract capacity exceeding 5,000 kW) to procure 10% renewable energy by 2025, demand for renewable energy has surged. This is expected to add approximately 1 GW. Effective policy changes continue to drive the energy transition, making sustainable development a significant export opportunity for Taiwan. Governments and businesses worldwide have made green energy a top priority. This forum will focus on quantifying risks, formulating policies, and interpreting market dynamics to address this major transition, examining these issues from both a global and Taiwanese perspective. Registration Information: Time: 13 October, 2023, 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM Venue: Pioneer International Building, 3rd Floor, "Trend Lecture Hall" (No. 46, Section 3, Zhongxiao East Road, Taipei) Note: The organizers reserve the right to review attendance. Registration is only confirmed upon receiving a confirmation email. We welcome your active participation!
Welcome to apply HUI-EUl Workshop in Taipei from 1-3 November, 2023
EUTW has been invited to join the HUI-EU Workshop 2023, jointly organized by RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, and the University of Canterbury in New Zealand. The program aims to provide from 6-18 months of PhD students, recommended by the three institutions and their partner schools, with opportunities to establish academic connections with peers in the regional European and EU studies community, thereby deepening their mutual exchange. The program will host PhD regional conferences in the three locations throughout 2023. The HUI-EUI Workshop will be held on 1-3 November, 2023 in Taipei, at the College of Social Sciences, National Taiwan University. Eligible PhD students currently enrolled at National Taiwan University are invited to submit the required documents, as specified by the organizers, to the center (, subject: The HUI-EUI Workshop by September 1. The center will select two PhD students to attend the conference. The required documents specified by the organizers are as follows: 500 word outline of thesis topic;
200 word statement as to why they wish to attend the HUI-EU Workshop, and what they hope to gain from it;
Clarification of the stage of PhD at which they are at, and the date they enrolled on the PhD programme;
Short Curriculum Vitae;
Contact details of an academic referee/thesis supervisor. Workshop Programme
Day 1
Coffee break
Doctoral Candidate Presentation and Discussion Session 1
15–20 minute presentations, followed by feedback and discussion
Skills Workshop 1: Interviews
Interviewing, ethics approval and managing data: exploring interviewing as a mechanism for data gathering (including issues such as identifying subjects, approaches to interviewing etc.), ethics approval processes, and how to store and manage data.
Coffee Break
Doctoral Candidate Presentation and Discussion Session 2
15–20 minute presentations, followed by feedback and discussion Day 2
Doctoral Presentation and Discussion Session 3
15–20 minute presentations, followed by feedback and discussion
Coffee Break
Doctoral Presentation and Discussion Session 4
15–20 minute presentations, followed by feedback and discussion
Doctoral Presentation and Discussion Session 5
15–20 minute presentations, followed by feedback and discussion
Skills Workshop 2: The Literature Review
The importance of literature reviews, types of literature review, planning and organising, analytical writing skills. Day 3
Doctoral Presentation and Discussion Session 6
15–20 minute presentations, followed by feedback and discussion
Skills Workshop 3: Getting Your Work Out There
How to approach publication, targeting journals, academic and non-academic publication, the publication process.
New Zealand Commerce and Industry Office Reception
On 16 August, 2023, the European Union Centre in Taiwan and EU delegation workshop was a complete success
Date/Time:Wednesday, 16 August, 2023 15:00-16:00 Venue:RM419, 4F, College of Social Sciences, NTU   AGENDA 15:00-15:05 Welcome Remarks 15:05-15:25 Institution Introduction 15:25-16:00 General Discussion 16:00- Networking             European Participants Norbert GAAL Economic analyst, DG Economic and Financial Affairs, European Commission Carmen GODEANU Financial Project Manager, Foreign Policy Instrument, European Commission Davy VAN HEMELEN Head of Infrastructure, Digisprong Knowledge Centre, Flemish Department of Education and Training Kajetan STRANSKY-CAN Officer, Division for University Financing and Controlling Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (Austria) Laurence VANDEWALLE Deputy Head, PPI (Section of Political Affairs and Press and Information) Office to HK and Macao European External Action Service (EEAS) Algirdas ZIEDAS Accredited parliamentary assistant (APA), European Parliament Piserra Estengre GEMMA Project Officer, EIC Accelerator, European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency(EISMEA) Bianca HOLDFORD Project Manager, European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency Przemyslaw JANKOWSKI Policy Analyst, DG European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations, European Commission Georgi KRASTEV Financial Adviser, European Health and Digital Executive Agency Isabelle PISTONE Attachée responsible for The Openness to Languages and Cultures Program. Federation Wallonie-Bruxelles,General Directorate of Compulsory Education Adrian KORHUMMEL Science Officer, Section V-Scientific Research; International Affairs Department V/6 -International Research Cooperation and Science Diplomacy (Austria) Roxane Alice Emilie HINDIE International Cooperation Officer, France Education International, ENIC-NARIC French Center (France) Taiwan Participants Hungdah SU Jean Monnet Professor of Politicial Science/ Dean, College of Social Sciences, NTU/ Director General, EU Centre in Taiwan (EUTW) Adrian RAUCHFLEISCH Associate Professor of Journalism/Associate Dean for International Affairs, NTU/ Deputy Director General, EU Centre in Taiwan (EUTW) Peng-Yu LI Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration /Director, Foreign Student Affairs Division, NCHU Pei-Shan YANG Professor, Department of Social Work, NTU Marc CHENG Executive Director, EU Centre in Taiwan (EUTW)/Coordinator, Eramus+ National Focal Point Taiwan (ENFP) Yu-Chieh HUANG Assistant, Taiwan Study Center, National Chengchi University Eric CHANG Program coordinator, Center of Chinese Language and Culture, Fu Jen Catholic University Elixabete ARRIETA Intern, EUTW, EU Centre in Taiwan (EUTW) Lucia HOFER Intern, EUTW, EU Centre in Taiwan (EUTW) Linda RAMIREZ Intern, EUTW, EU Centre in Taiwan (EUTW) Jasper HUNG Assistant Claire CHEN Assistant Elissa HUNG Assistant Sam PAN Assistant                  
11 July, 2023, the European Union Centre in Taiwan and 2023 European Values ​​Important Partnership Workshop concluded successfully.
Date/Time:Tuesday, 11 July, 2023 09:30-10:30 Venue:RM419, 4F, College of Social Sciences, NTU AGENDA   09:30-09:35 Welcome Remarks 09:35-09:50 Institution Introduction 09:50-10:30 General Discussion 10:30 Adjourn             European Participants Yurii POITA Head of the Asia-Pacific Section at the Center for Army, Conversion and Disarmament Studies (CACDS) in Kyiv Nick WATTS Defence and Security Policy Advisor to Jack Lopresti MP, UK Gabin PEYROS Parliamentary Assistant of the Senator Alain RICHARD, Vice-President of the French Senate and former Minister of the Defense Jeanne BOULIGNY Parliamentary Assistant to Mr Eric Bothorel, French Member of Parliament Yannick LAßHOF Senior Policy Advisor Defence & International Security, Germany Tom HINZMANN Chairman of the Jusos Hamburg SPD Grzegorz STEC Analyst (EU-China) of Mercator Institute for China Studies (Brussels office) Slavomir MANASEK Foreign Affairs Officer, Office of the Government of the Czech Republic Grigorij MESEZNIKO Political Scientist and President of the Institute for Public Affairs, Slovakia Victor BREINER Director of the Institute For Resilience Building, Slovakia Robert CZULDA Assistant Professor of the Department of Foreign and Security Policy Theory, Faculty of International and Political Studies, Poland Szymon ZAREBA Coordinator of the Global Issues Programme, PISM, Poland Mykhailo SAMUS Director of the Kyiv-based think tank – New Geopolitics Research Network Volodymyr KOPCHAK Head of South Caucasus Branch of the Center for Army, Conversion and Disarmament studies (CACDS, Kyiv, Ukraine) Taiwan Participants Hungdah SU Jean Monnet Professor of Politicial Science/ Dean, College of Social Sciences, NTU/ Director General, EU Centre in Taiwan (EUTW) Adrian RAUCHFLEISCH Associate Professor of Journalism/Associate Dean for International Affairs, NTU/ Deputy Director General, EU Centre in Taiwan (EUTW) Cho-Hsin SU Associate Professor of Diplomacy/ Director, IMPIS, College of International Affairs, NCCU/Executive Director of EU Research Center, NCCU Yun-Che LAI Associate Professor of Public Administration/Executive Director of European Union Research Center, NDHU Marc CHENG Executive Director, EU Centre in Taiwan (EUTW)/Coordinator, Eramus+ National Focal Point Taiwan (ENFP) Hsuan-Hsuan Wu Assistant, European Affairs Section, MOFA Abby Huang Secretary of International College, MCU Declan LOGAN Intern, EUTW, EU Centre in Taiwan (EUTW) Shao-Wei SUN Intern, EUTW, EU Centre in Taiwan (EUTW) Linda RAMIREZ Intern, EUTW, EU Centre in Taiwan (EUTW) Elixabete ARRIETA Intern, EUTW, EU Centre in Taiwan (EUTW)        
Congratulations to the winner of the Best Paper Award at the 13th National Graduate Student Workshop on EU Studies!
The 13th National Graduate  Student Workshop on EU Studies successfully concluded on 2nd June. Congratulations to the following seven students who received the Best Paper Award!

Session 1
Analysis of Global Environmental Conventions: A Case Study of the Basel Convention System and the EU Electronic Waste Management System
Shih-Ch**, Lin
(PhD Student, Graduate Institute of International Business, National Taiwan University)

Session 2
The New German Government's China Policy: "Pragmatic or Tough"?
Ke-W**, Su
(Master's Student, Department of Diplomacy, National Chengchi University)

Session 3
Trade Impact Assessment of the EU's Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
Chia-**, Lu
(PhD Student, Graduate Institute of International Politics, National Chung Hsing University)

Session 4
Between the EU and Russia: Analyzing Hungary's Foreign Policy Choices
Zi-Yi**, Huang
(Master's student, Graduate Institute of International Politics, National Chung Hsing University)

Session 5
A Study on the Key Factors of Orchid Seedling Cultivation Organizations' Export Supply Chain to Europe: The Application of Balanced Scorecard
Su-H**, Yang
(PhD Student, International Precision Agriculture Development Program, National Chung Hsing University)

Session 6
Vanishing in Liquid Modernity - The Fallen Angel Walter Ruttmann
Ting-Hsu**, Cheng
(Master’s Student, Graduate Institute of European Cultures and Tourism, National Taiwan Normal University)

Session 7
From Subculture to Music Tourism: An Analysis of Berlin's Techno Music Scene Transformation
Hsu**, Chen
(Master’s Student, Graduate Institute of European Cultures and Tourism, National Taiwan Normal University)