The EUTW will publish a series of Chinese-language books on all facets of the EU, with the aim of producing the most important Chinese publications for understanding the EU. The contents of these books, written by single or multiple authors sponsored by the EUTW, include essays presented at national workshops and international symposia. The target audience of the publications is a wide Chinese audience in which includes not only Taiwanese readers but also PRC students and scholars and Chinese elites worldwide. Papers from forums and conferences will also be published electronically on the website.
Publication Date 2022-10-01
[EUTW Book Series XV] EU in the Ever-evolving 21st Century: Pandemic Governance and Economic Diplomacy
The EU's policy response and its effectiveness are still in a phase of continuous change and observation. The various chapters of this book collectively feature twenty experts and scholars in European studies from both sides of the Taiwan Strait. They cover professional fields including law, politics, economics, international relations, finance, and more. The essays included in the first part provide a comprehensive understanding of pandemic governance from a macroscopic perspective. Accordingly, the essays in the second part focus on analyses at the level of economic and legal frameworks. This provides insight into understanding the latest legal developments in the EU, regional economic cooperation, currency competition, and more, offering contextual reflections under the global change of times.
Publication Date 2020-10-31
[EUTW Book Series XIII] European Dream and Reluctant Integration in the 21st Century: Lessons for Ongoing Asian Regionalism
Editors of the Book: Hungdah Su To avoid a repeat of those nationalist nightmares, a common European Dream emerged after WWII, which has since developed into some essential doctrines of European integration. This dream-inspired institutionalist context has framed intergovernmental bargaining, sectoral spillovers and transnational cooperation in European integration. The powerful European Dream has even encouraged Europeans toward closer integration, though they were, quite often, very reluctant to go further. This dream-driven approach and reluctant runner’s model have highlighted some fundamental realities of European integration, extremely inspiring for the future of the EU and the ongoing Asian regionalism.
This book consists of three parts and thirteen chapters. It aims to explain European integration, the EU’s role in global governance and the EU’s impact upon Asian regionalism with the help of the European Dream approach and reluctant runners’ model. Trump’s unilateralism, the rising tensions between the US and PRC and the COVID-19 pandemic may be a turning point for world politics. Both globalization and global governance have consequently slowed down, giving place to regionalism and inter-regionalism. This book hopes to contribute to the rising debate over European integration, Asian regionalism and EU-Asian inter-regionalism.
Publication Date 2020-10-27
[EUTW Book Series XIII] Brexit and Transformation of Europe
This book focuses on three subjects: Brexit, the transition of Europe, and state governance. It elaborates on the structural reforms that the EU Member States have undergone when facing the debt crisis, the political leadership and cooperation of the two core Member States (France and Germany), CEE countries’ claims of interest in the EU, and the strategies and tactics of mainstream parties in the EU to respond to the European integration and its politicization. This book will also analyze in detail the development and transition of Europe in the domains of economic and monetary policy, foreign direct investment, coordination of employment policy, the Common Agricultural Policy, legal integration, civil society political participation, and protection of fundamental human rights, etc.
Publication Date 2018-08-31
[EUTW Book Series XII] EU's External Relations in the 21st Century
Publication Date 2016-02-29
[EUTW Book Series XI] Cultural Policies of European Union: Context and Practice
This book is the first academic publication in Taiwan to focus on EU cultural policy, and it is the first attempt to gather scholars from twelve universities nationwide specializing in EU and European studies to collaborate and publish jointly. The book is divided into five sections: cultural and regional development, cultural and creative industries, cultural identity, language and education, and cultural diplomacy. It is hoped that this book will contribute to the research on EU’s cultural sphere.
Publication Date 2015-08-12
[EUTW Book Series X] The Role of the European Union on the World Stage
The EU already has 28-member states, yet it persists in deepening and widening, attempting to establish a global role of influence. This book invites Taiwanese scholars and experts on the EU to explore its global role and influence from different angles. The content of this book includes the bilateral relations between the EU and other powers, such as the US, Russia, and Mainland China, the structure and function of its foreign policy decision-making, its actions in the domain of global economy and trade, hygiene, security, aid, and its progress and challenges in relations with Ukraine, Africa, Canada, and the Pacific. “The Role of the European Union on the World Stage” is the most complete and in-depth academic book in Chinese on the EU’s foreign relations in recent years.
Publication Date 2015-06-01
[EUTW Book Series IX] The EU Law : Principles and Practices II
The European Union was established through treaties signed by its Member States. The EU treaties differ from ordinary international treaties due to their establishment of a unique legal system. Once the treaties and rules of the EU come into effect, they become part of the legal system of the member states, with direct and primacy applicability. EU law is the collective term referring to the body of laws that govern the relationships within EU institutions and personnel, Member States, individuals (both natural and legal persons), as well as external affairs.
This book, co-edited by Prof. Horng Der-Chin and Prof. Chen Chwen-Wen, brings together leading legal scholars in Taiwan to offer a comprehensive exposition and analysis of the EU legal system. With a specific focus on the legal changes following the implementation of the Lisbon Treaty on December 1, 2009, the book examines the implications and impact on EU policies. Published in two volumes and authored by 16 scholars and experts, it stands as the most comprehensive and in-depth book on the development of EU law in the Chinese academic community thus far.
The eight essays included in the second volume focus on the practical aspects of EU law, including the structure and scope of competition law, cartels, immigration issues, subsidy law, environmental protection, energy supply, food safety, culture, economy and trade, etc.
Publication Date 2015-06-01
[EUTW Book Series VIII] The EU Law : Principles and Practices I
The European Union was established through treaties signed by its Member States. The EU treaties differ from ordinary international treaties due to their establishment of a unique legal system. Once the treaties and rules of the EU come into effect, they become part of the legal system of the member states, with direct and primacy applicability. EU law is the collective term referring to the body of laws that govern the relationships within EU institutions and personnel, Member States, individuals (both natural and legal persons), as well as external affairs.
This book, co-edited by Prof. Horng Der-Chin and Prof. Chen Chwen-Wen, brings together leading legal scholars in Taiwan to offer a comprehensive exposition and analysis of the EU legal system. With a specific focus on the legal changes following the implementation of the Lisbon Treaty on December 1, 2009, the book examines the implications and impact on EU policies. Published in two volumes and authored by 16 scholars and experts, it stands as the most comprehensive and in-depth book on the development of EU law in the Chinese academic community thus far.
The eight essays in Volume I focus on the sources, legal reasoning, principles, fundamental rights, legislative procedures of EU law, the organization, functions, and types of litigation of the Court of Justice of the European Union, as well as practical developments such as equal rights measures and immigration policies. These essays can provide ample comparative references for legislation and policies in Taiwan.
Publication Date 2015-02-02
[EUTW Book Series VII] Asian Countries’ Strategies towards the European Union in an Inter-regionalist Context
Since the introduction of Common Foreign and Security Policy in 1993 and the publication of the EU’s first strategic document on Asia one year later, hundreds of books and journal articles have been dedicated to the study of the EU policies towards Asia as a whole, or to individual Asian countries.However, very few of these researchers ever intended to explore the strategies of Asian countries, and Asian leaders’ mindsets, vis-à-vis the EU. Quite often, the policies of Asian countries towards the EU were simply interpreted as responses to the EU’s actions in Asia.
Having been passive players for decades, Asian countries are now increasingly willing to participate in the formulation of regional and global orders, for which they need to articulate their own strategies and the world needs to better understand their mindsets. In the past two years, in the framework of EU Centres in Asia-Pacific, some top Asian scholars on EU-Asian relations were brought together to debate the strategies of individual Asian countries towards the EU, and evaluate the EU’s actions in the region.In their eyes, the EU was interpreted as a normative power, a security player, a civilian promoter and a health-care supplier. Together, they aimed to establish some common rules for explaining Asian countries’ strategies towards the EU after in-depth study of the actions of individual countries in their bilateral relations with the EU.
This book is therefore indispensable to any efforts to understand Asian leaders’ mindset in the EU-Asian relationsand their strategies towards the EU in the twenty-first century.
Publication Date 2013-12-07
[EUTW Book Series VI] Public Governance in the EU
Chief Editor of the Series: Hungdah Su
Chief Editors of the Book: Chin-Peng Chu
Fisher S. CHANG, Hui-Tang CHANG, Chin-Peng CHU, Rong-Yang Huang, Yu-Chun LAN, Teh-Chang LIN, Tze-Luen LIN, Ji-Liang LIU, Shu-Pin LIU, Tian-Ming SHEU, Shih-Jiunn SHI, Tse-Fong TSENG, Chen-Lin YEH Recently, the term "governance" has become a popular debated topic in the public and private sectors as well as in the public administration academia. Experience has shown that the hierarchical governance of classical government is no longer adequate, and the state is no longer the sole decision-maker. For the EU, both supranational and intergovernmental regional organizations are facing changes and challenges posed by both traditional and emerging modes of governance. The book takes a systematic and policy-oriented approach to analyzing public governance issues within the European Union. It examines public policy matters alongside case studies to offer a comprehensive understanding. Readers can draw insights from European experiences in the eleven essays included in the book, prompting further reflection on how to address public issues in our own country.
Publication Date 2013-10-15
[EUTW Book Series V] The New Economic and Financial Policies of the EU under the Shadow of European Debt Crisis
Chief Editor of the Series: Hungdah Su
Chief Editors of the Book: Catherine Li & Hsien-Feng Lee
Der-Chin HORNG, Hsien-Feng LEE, Catherine LI, Kuo-Chun YEH, Chien-Huei WU, David W.F. HUANG, Chung-Hung CHO, Ruey-Sheng GU, Li-Jiuan CHEN, Ping-Hua HO, Mei-Ying CHAO The European Union, the world's largest economic entity, has a decisive influence on global affairs. This book provides an in-depth analysis of how the EU can improve its economic governance and resolve the eurozone bailout disputes within the Eurozone following the 2010 crisis.
The 2010 European sovereign debt crisis laid bare the lack of fiscal policy integration within the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), as well as deficiencies in financial market regulation and government fiscal discipline. This resulted in repeated downgrades of European countries' sovereign credit ratings by major international credit rating agencies, significantly impacting European financial markets and global investor confidence. Beginning with the theme of sound economic governance, this book is divided into three parts: “Internal Governance of the European Debt Crisis,” “External Response to the European Debt Crisis,” and “Prospects of European Economic Governance.” Each part examines how EU improves its economic governance, it’s interaction with other regions in terms of foreign trade and economic affairs, the resolution of its bailout disputes within the Eurozone and coordination of international economic policies, as well as its industrial policies. Readers will gain a comprehensive understanding of the EU’s new financial and economic policies in the shadow of European debt through eleven insightful essays by domestic scholars included in this book.
ECB’s Responses to the Financial Crisis /Der-Chin HORNG
The European Sovereign Debt Crisis and the Role of Credit Rating Agencies – Butcher’s Role or Scapegoats? /Hsien-Feng LEE
EU Economic Governance and Fiscal Compact Treaty /Catherine LI
The Bail-out Debate and International Policy Coordination in the Euro Area /Kuo-Chun YEH
The Many Faces and Governance Mode of EU External Economic Agreements /Chien-Huei WU
A Categorization and Content Analysis of EU Free Trade Agreements /David W.F. HUANG
An Analysis of EU Interregional Models in MERCOSUR /Chung-Hung CHO
European Economic Governance in the Post -Lisbon Era /Ruey-Sheng GU
The Development of the EU’s Globalized Industry Policy under the Aspect of Economic Governance /Li-Jiuan CHEN
The Relevant Policy and Assistance Measures for SMEs in European Union and Germany /Ping-Hua HO
Understanding the Social Europe of EU: A Social Model under the Economic Governance /Mei-Ying CHAO
Publication Date 2013-05-13
[EUTW Book Series IV] The Mutual Exercises of European Union Soft and Hard Power
Chief Editor of the Series: Hungdah Su
Chief Editor of the Book: Chiu-ching Kuo
Ching Chen, Chih-chung Wu, Yu-tai Tsai, San-yi Yang, Jen-der Lue, Ting-wen Hsu, Chung-heng Shen, Yo-ming Wu, Li Lin Introduction:
After encountering impacts resulting from economic globalization and a technological revolution in the 1980s, Europe formed the European Union (EU), creating a single European market and transforming European societies. To date, Europeans do not fear the rise or development of their neighboring countries, because all European countries are closely linked through laws and regulations, pursuing wellbeing and freedom in their exchanges. Furthermore, Europeans believe that people should act in accordance with international laws, and that legal systems are the means to ensuring peace and democratic order. In 2012, the EU received a Nobel Peace Prize for its contribution in advocating peace for over six decades. This distinction is worthy of great respect.
Generally, European nations do not tend to transform other countries through aggressive or invasive approaches; instead, they prefer to adopt the EU foreign policy, providing economic and technical support, and participating in international peacekeeping operations, crisis management, and humanitarian aid. The EU has achieved international influence with this approach.
However, the EU differs from general international organizations in its international influence. For example, because the EU is a community of democracies, Greece, the Czech Republic, and Romania had to implement constitutional democracies to join. Poland included the protection of ethnic minorities in the Constitution of Poland in its effort to join the EU. To ease its relationship with the neighboring EU, Russia signed the Kyoto Protocol, accepting international regulations regarding environmental protection. Moreover, among all international organizations, the EU was the only organization that successfully implemented a democracy promotion project. This success is exemplified by the adoption of democracy by certain Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) countries after the European Commission proposed relevant membership conditions and requirements. When communism collapsed in CEE, the CEE countries evaluated the major detriments (e.g., EU trade, investments, and economic support) to being outside of the EU. Consequently, several CEE countries agreed to abide by the requirements of the European Commission, implementing parliamentary democracies and market economies. This demonstrated that the EU is a normative power. The non-coercive power exhibited by the EU (e.g., promoting concepts, justifying knowledge and laws, and providing economic support internationally) deserves recognition. This conduct is referred to as the EU’s soft power.
However, our views regarding global societies are based primarily on American sources, which do not necessarily reveal the full extent of the EU’s soft power. This book was edited based on that consideration. Scholars were invited to compile relevant topics; however, because of the limited length of this book, several germane issues may have been overlooked. The book was compiled following an article assessment by two scholars at an academic seminar and anonymous reviews by two additional scholars appointed through letters from the European Union Centre in Taiwan (EUTW). Following revisions and finalization, the book was approved in an editorial board meeting before being submitted for publication.
This book could not have been completed without assistance. I would like to express my gratitude to the former Vice President of the National Taiwan University, Tzong-ho Bau; the Director of the EUTW, Hungdah Su; and the master’s students from the Graduate Institute of European Studies at Tamkang University. Finally, I would like to thank the National Taiwan University Press for publishing this book.
The Soft and Hard Measures of the European Soft Power
Projection and Its Legal Basis
Ching Chen
The EU Security and Foreign Policy-From the Paris Treaty to
the Lisbon Treaty
Chih-chung Wu
The Foreign Policy of the EU and Its Soft Power Assessment
Yu-tai Tsai
European External Actions: Civilian Balance and Europeanization
San-yi Yang
Open Method of Coordination and Governance of Multinational
Social Policy: The Parental Leave Directive of the European Union
Jen-der Lue & Ting-wen Hsu
Language Learning Policy and Cultural Soft Power: The Case of
European Union
Chung-heng Shen
A Research of European Union's Regulations on Genetically
Modified Crops and Products
Yo-ming Wu
The Impact of the European Integration on the National
Li Lin
Publication Date 2012-12-25
[EUTW Book Series III] Interfaces: EU Studies and European Languages Programs in East Asia
Publication Date 2011-07-14
[Get to Know Europe Series I] Per una nuova Europa. Il contributo dei cristiani
The book provides a new viewpoint to examine the history and development of Europe. In the past 20 years, after the collapse of the Berlin Wall, Europe has begun a new era in a more unified atmosphere. To continue the new unification of Europe, the communication between different groups is very important. Furthermore, to respect the diversity is also a new issue in building a new Europe.
Publication Date 2011-05-01
[EUTW Book Series I] New Era of the European Union's Economic & Trade Policies
Chief Editor of the series: Dr. Tzong-Ho Bau
Chief Editor of the book: Dr. Catherine Li
Author: Don-Ming Su, Der-Chin Horng, Catherine Li, Chih-Mei Luo, Jyun-Yi Lee, Li-Jiuan Chen, Hsu-Chi Wang, Kuei-Jung Ni, Peggy Yang, Roy Chun Lee, Chen-Hao Ku, Chih-Ming Chung, Chih-Chieh Chou Amid globalization and the unpredictable and ever-changing international situation, the European Union must seek internal support and consensus for European integration, while also effectively addressing external challenges. One major goal of the EU's trade and economic policy is to integrate all countries into the global economic system and gradually eliminate restrictions on international trade. Therefore, the EU aims to abolish limitations on international trade and foreign direct investment, reduce tariffs and remove non-tariff barriers. On the basis of achieving these goals, the Lisbon Treaty undergoes relevant amendments and institutional reforms, repositioning the EU to open new prospects in trade and economic policy, enhance competitiveness and facilitate further liberalization in trade, investment, and other areas. This book examines the various aspects of EU economic and trade policy, analyzing trade, finance, fiscal, and monetary issues, as well as other emerging issues. Readers will learn about the latest trends in EU economic and trade policy, as well as the new challenges the EU faces.
Preface of the Series: Dr. Tzong-Ho Bau
Preface of the Book: Dr. Catherine Li
Introduction to the Authors
On Eurozone’s Fiscal Mechanism and Economic Stability/ Dou-Ming Su
The Monetary Policy of the European Central Bank/ Der-Chin Horng
The Euro After Ten years: Review and Prospect/ Chih-Mei Luo and Jyun-Yi Lee
Study on Reform of the EU Corporate Governance/ Li-Jiuan Chen
EU Deposit Insurance System/ Hsu-Chi Wang
An Analysis on the Interaction between European New Regulations on Hormones and the WTO System/ Kuei-Jung Ni and Peggy Yang
The Policy Implications of EU Communications Regulatory Reform Experiences for Taiwan—the Case of Video-On-Demand Services/ Roy Chun Lee and Chen- Hao Ku
The EU’s External Climate Policy: International Pioneer Short of Leadership/ Chih-Ming Chung
Implications of Linking EU External Policy and the Human Security Concept/ Chih-Chieh Chou
On the EU’s Common Commercial Policy After the Treaty of Lisbon/ Catherine Li
Publication Date 2011-10-01
[EUTW Book Series II] The European Union and Integration Theory since 1950
Coauthor:Dr. Chih-ming Chung, Dr. Hsin-chih Chen, Dr. Yu-chun Lan, Dr. Chih-Mei Luo, Dr. Pei-Chih Hao, Dr. Chien-Yi Lu, Dr. Chung-hung Cho, Dr. Cheng-Tung Li, Dr. Tze-Luen Lin, Dr. Renee Yi-mond Yuan The study of the history of the European Union (EU) is a fundamental and profound field within EU studies around the globe. It requires a good grasp of original data, an understanding of historical contexts, and an explanation of the origins and impacts of historical development. Additionally, it demands induction and deduction to formulate theories or approaches helpful to regional studies in the world through abstract reasoning. Its objects of study include the development of the European Coal and Steel Community, the European Economic Community, the European Atomic Energy Community, and the EU after the Schuman Declaration in 1950.
Among the explanations for the historical development of the EU, the liberal-intergovernmentalism and institutionalism approaches are the most representative. The former argues that “the whole development of the European integration is the result of a series of rational choices made by the leaders of Member States.” It is a typical two-level game, divided into three phases: In the first phase, interest groups in each Member State compete, cooperate, and make compromises. Through governmental integration, these interactions then form the so-called national interests or national preferences. In the second phase, the governments of Member States defend their national interests at intergovernmental meetings through power struggles or exchange of interests. During the negotiation process, each Member State will act as a “unitary actor” and defend its national interests wholeheartedly. The third phase involves choosing institutions to ensure the shared need to fulfill the outcomes of negotiations. Given the many details that cannot be confirmed in a single round of negotiations and future uncertainties, the EU must establish a mechanism for constant consultation and negotiation to secure the achievements of previous negotiations.
Many scholars choose to explain the historical development of the EU through the institutionalism approach, resulting in a diverse range of viewpoints. Some emphasize the legislation and political designs of the institution, with a special focus on the role of leaders in supranational organizations or transnational groups. Others focus on the soft powers behind institutions, including core values and codes of conduct, to be the most important driver of the development of the EU: The values denote fundamental objectives and moral appeals of the EU, while the codes constrain the behaviors of Member States in pursuit of these objectives. Others lay particular emphasis on the cognitive level: The legal regulations help materialize the integration, presenting it concretely; the values and codes justify the integration, providing moral legitimacy, while the cognitive level internalizes the European integration, making it a fact wildly accepted by Member States and their people.
This book, through the study of the history of the EU and the development of its specific policies, examines whether the liberal-intergovernmentalism or the institutionalism approach is more effective in explaining the historical development of the EU over the last sixty years.
Preface / Hungdah Su
About the authors
Part one General History and Theoretical Debate of European Integration
A Historical-Institutionalist Analysis on the Founding Phase of the European Communities: Economic and Security Trade-off / Chih-Ming Chung
European integration between 1958 and 1969: A Theoretical Debate / Hungdah Su
From European Community to European Union: European Integration from 1969 to 1990 / Hsin-Chih Chen
The Development of the European Union from 1990 to 2000 / Yu-Chun Lan
Integration Theory and Treaty Reform in the EU—The Cases of Drafting the Constitutional Treaty and the Treaty of Lisbon / Chien-Yi Lu
Negotiating the Treaty of Lisbon: A Liberal Intergovernmentalist Analysis / Hungdah Su
Part Two Development and Theoretical Debate of Selected Common Policies
EU Common Agricultural, Environmental and Rural Policy / Yi-Mond Yuan
A History of the Euro: A Level –of-Analysis Perspective / Jyun-Yi lee, Chih-Mei Luo
The EU’s Southward Policy: Historical Development and Constructive Patterns / Chung-Hung Cho
EU as a Normative Power: A Study on Its Actions towards China and Myanmar / Albert C. T. Li
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