
臺灣歐盟中心徵稿啟事 2011 Transnational Workshop on EU Study
Transnational Workshop on EU Study for post doctors, Ph. D. Students, and senior graduate students hosted by EU Centre in Taiwan (EUTW) on February 22nd-23rd, 2011 at National Taiwan University

The Entry into effect of Lisbon Treaty put a victorious end to the EU Constitution-building movement in the past decade. Lisbon Treaty has not only integrated the ex-Community and Union into a new Union granted with legal personality but also created some very symbolic posts (e.g. Chair of European Council) and new institutions (e.g. European External Action Service). However, the financial tsunami and particularly the debt crisis in Greece have provoked, inside and outside of the EU, intensive debate over the future of Eurozone and even the value of European integration as a whole. The renewed structure imposed by Lisbon Treaty seems not be able to reduce the Euroskepticism and rekindle the general passion for European integration.

In Asia, the ASEAN-PRC FTA entered into effect on January 1st, 2010, marking a new era of transnational integration in the region, and the majority of Asian countries have been recovering from the economic recession ahead of their European and American counterparts. In June 2010, the PRC and Taiwan signed the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA), symbolizing an important step towards general détente in the Taiwan Strait. But these optimistic developments were soon overshadowed by the emerging tensions and even conflicts throughout the region. The inter-Korean tensions never ceased to be increasing in the aftermath of tragic incident of SS Chonan. The PRC and US were in quarrels over the latter’s military maneuverings in Yellow Sea and South China Sea. Diplomatic tension broke out between Beijing and Tokyo immediately after Japan arrested Chinese fishing boats at the sea nearing Diaoyutai (Senkaku) Isles.

While the European integration is frustrated by the debt crisis and rising Euroskepticism, the still very young Asian integration also seems to be easily shaken by any potential conflicts in the region. Will the regional integration, often crowned by the EU experience, still be a valuable form of cooperation and reconciliation in international relations? Could Asians take some lessons from the EU experience in transnational integration? Will the EU and Asian countries still be able to develop fruitful and contributive inter-regional relations in this new and fast globalizing world?

All these questions will provide the basis of a two-day workshop to be held at the National Taiwan University on February 22nd and 23rd, 2011. This workshop is developed based upon the bilateral workshop for doctoral students on EU Studies between Korea and Japan in past years. EUTW will organize this workshop in 2011 for all Asian Pacific doctoral students and senior postgraduates (third grade or above) on the EU Study.

Papers are invited that address any of the above questions. Papers are welcome from Law, Political Science, History, European Studies and other disciplines – Interdisciplinary and theoretically- grounded approaches are also welcome. Accepted papers will be organized into panels, with the following themes likely to be included.
- The Future of European Integration (e.g. reforms in the Eurozone; new structure introduced by the Lisbon Treaty)
- European and Asian Integration in Comparison (ASEM in the new era)
- EU-Asian Relationship (EU’s Asian policies; European policies of Asian countries)

Graduate students are also welcome to attend the poster- session, introduce their research findings and interchange with the participants.

Contact details
The organizer of this workshop is Dr. Hungdah Su, executive director of EUTW and Jean Monnet Chair of National Taiwan University. For this event, he will be assisted by Mr. Tarco Chang (deputy executive director of EUTW).

Abstract (300-500 words) should be submitted to Mr. Chang (tarcochang@ntu.edu.tw). The deadline for submission of abstracts is November 12th, 2010. Information on acceptance of paper proposals will be communicated in mid-November 2010. Accepted papers (6000-8000 words) should be submitted to the conference organizer, Dr. Su, by 20 January 2011.



一.職位:國立臺灣大學臺灣歐洲聯盟中心執行長(Executive Director of EU Centre in Taiwan at National Taiwan University)
四.工作地點: 台北市徐州路21號(國立臺灣大學徐州路校區)

1. 中英文履歷 (格式請參考:參考履歷格式)
2. 中英文自傳
3. 推薦人(referee)三名:請提供姓名、職稱頭銜、電郵電話、與推薦人關係,不需推薦信
4. 證明文件(身份證及學經歷證明影本)及其他有利文件

— 具有中華民國國籍
— 具有教育部認可之國內外大學碩士以上學歷
— 具有流利的中英文溝通能力(含聽說讀寫)
— 具有主管資歷三年以上且有執行管理經驗
— 對歐洲聯盟暨國際事務有深入的認識
— 具有與國際社會交往之經驗
— 具有流利的法語或德語溝通能力
— 曾從事與歐盟相關事務工作三年以上經歷
— 具有與歐盟研究相關之博士學位

聯 絡 人 張先生
聯絡電話 23519641#147

張台麟教授,任教於國立政治大學,2010年1月11日法國總理政令通過, 授予法國教育部二等學術勳章。


張教授於1986年取得博士學位 1986 (巴黎第一大學政治學系)。曾擔任國立政治大學國際關係研究中心副研究員(1986-1994)、研究員(1995-2004)及歐美所所長(2001-2003),國立政治大學是臺灣在人文社會研究領域公認首屈一指的大學;於2004年在校内創設歐洲語文學程中心;且於同年獲得校方頒授之學術研究成果國際化優等研究獎。張教授並自2006年起擔任歐盟莫内教學模組計劃主持人 (2006-2011)。

張教授的研究領域主軸為法國當代政治,並在數年前逐漸擴大為歐盟研究。張教授並致力推廣法語教學和歐洲、法國文化的學程。1989至 1998年間,他曾在國防大學教授法語課程;2001年起在國立政治大學教授當代法國文化課程。此外,張教授並在2009年榮獲比利時魯汶大學文哲學院臺灣學講座榮譽教授。

