2022-12-21 發行‧第 322 期
NTU EU Week will be held from Nov. 15 to Dec. 31. Lots of activities will be held during the period. Please check out our website for further information.

Dr. Hungdah Su, Director General, visited France for signing the dual degree of master programme and to deepen the cooperation and exchange with French universities of Excellence.
Erasmus+ 2023 call launched, check the programme guide for further information
MOFA sincerely welcomes trade delegation, deepening Taiwan and Europea’s like-minded partnership.
MOFA sincerely welcome senior parliamentary Anna Fotyga, showing their support for Taiwan.

Foreign Minister Wu confers Friendship Medal of Diplomacy on Polish-Taiwanese Parliamentarian Group Chairperson Andzel in appreciation of his contributions to advancing Taiwan-Poland partnership

MOFA welcomes European Parliament to pass CFSP& CSDP in EU, emphasizing Taiwan’s key and democratic partnership and strongly blaming on China’s challenge to Taiwan’s military power.

EU gas consumption dropped by 20% before winter as most countries reach key voluntary targets
EU couldn't handle a million refugees, how will it handle a billion?
Brussels unveils new measures to crack down on human trafficking in EU
Ukraine war: EU drone export ban, Putin visits Belarus, 'massive' Russian bombardment
EU gives quartet customs waiver for UK exports of veterinary medicines
Gas giant Algeria slams EU gas price cap
EU Energy Platform: Work advances on joint gas purchasing after legal proposal is agreed by Energy Ministers
匈牙利Stipendium Hungaricum獎學金開放申請,1月16日截止,動作要快喔!
The Stipendium Hungaricum online application is now open, due on 16 January
2022 European Study Talk: Domus Academy& Grenoble Ecole De Management on 5 January
1月6日留學歐洲,部署未來 – 歐洲應用科技大學
2022 European Study Talk: University of Europe for Applied Sciences (UE) on 6 January
1月11日部署未來– 留學義大利及荷蘭,探索人生與職涯方向
2022 European Study Talk: IULM University & TIAS School for Business and Society on 11 January
1月17日 留學歐洲,部署未來 - 比利時布魯塞爾自由大學
2022 European Study Talk: Vrije Universiteit Brussel on 17 January
地址:10617  臺北市羅斯福路四段一號
網站:http://www.eutw.org.tw/  FB粉絲專頁:www.facebook.com/ntueutw
電話:+886-2-2365-3457      傳真:+886-2-2365-7930