2023-07-24 發行‧第 336 期
The 4th 2023 EUTW forum on the Economic Growth, European Security, and the Future of European Integration (in Chinese) will be held on 25 August at National Central Library
荷蘭眾議院通過2友台議案 展現對台強力支持
Dutch parliament passes two Taiwan friendship motions
德國首份對中戰略報告 我外交部:歡迎將台灣列為夥伴
German government stresses cooperation with Taiwan in new strategy document
協助烏克蘭重建 台灣捐250萬美金興建基輔聯外橋樑
Taiwan supports reconstruction of Ukraine with bridge project
華航開闢台北-布拉格航線 擴張歐洲航點版圖
China Airlines opens direct flight from Taipei to Prague
歐盟全球門戶計畫加碼投資拉美 4年內達450億歐元
EU Global Gateway plans to increase investment in South America
歐洲極端熱浪來襲 義大利高溫恐飆破48度發布紅色警報
Europe hit by extreme heat wave
US professor resigns as EU chief competition economist following criticism
ECCT LCI Event - Lunch on Taiwan’s Carbon Fee and Carbon Trade Exchange Policies on August 15
German-Taiwanese 8th Smart Machinery & 4th Automotive Forum on September 9
「范巴倫獎學金」(Hans van Baalen Scholarship)自即日起開放申請
Apply to the Hans van Baalen Scholarship for EU-Taiwan research until August 15!
地址:10617  臺北市羅斯福路四段一號
網站:http://www.eutw.org.tw/  FB粉絲專頁:www.facebook.com/ntueutw
電話:+886-2-2365-3457      傳真:+886-2-2365-7930