2023-07-06 發行‧第 335 期
The 2023 European Study Abroad Scholarship has been officially launched, applications are open until July 16!
EUTW attended the annual conference of EUSAAP on 29-30 June in Bangkok and delivered papers at the related Indo=Pacific Panels.
外交部出席民間人士籌募「Taiwan Can Help救災車輛及醫療儀器和器材到烏克蘭啟運儀式」
Taiwan Can Help: Ambulances and medical equipment depart for Ukraine
愛爾蘭友台小組主席率團訪台 展現友好情誼
Irish parliamentary delegation arrives in Taiwan
美歐高階對話憂共軍活動日增 強調台海和平重要
5th European-American High-Level Dialogue on China Issues reiterate importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait
台灣與歐盟等國簽聯合聲明 助烏克蘭重啟保險市場
Taiwan joins initiative to help relaunch Ukraine's private insurance sector
European Green Deal: more sustainable use of plant and soil natural resources
歐盟執委會推動 《一般資料保護規則 》改革
Brussels pitches GDPR reform but without opening 'Pandora's box'
Critical Raw Materials: EU countries push for more ambitious targets
Netherlands: Phone ban announced to stop school disruptions
狂想曲-阿德萊伊‧費里耶 打擊獨奏會
Rhapsody-Adélaïde Ferrière Percussion recital
ECCT 人力資源委員會午餐座談:負責任地招聘外來移工
ECCT Human Resources Committee Lunch: Responsible recruitment of migrant workers
德經處商務聯誼聚會-2023 繽紛夏日特輯
GTO Wirtschaftsstammtisch- Colorful Summer Edition 2023
地址:10617  臺北市羅斯福路四段一號
網站:http://www.eutw.org.tw/  FB粉絲專頁:www.facebook.com/ntueutw
電話:+886-2-2365-3457      傳真:+886-2-2365-7930